You can assign one person (or more) to collect the mail addressed to your name. Such Authorization can be officially certified or non-certified.
If you intend to designate a person to permanently collect your mail (or several times), please select the certified Authorization. Such Authorization can be arranged at any post office or with your postman in the convenience of your home. The procedure can also be completed at any administrative unit.
To delegate a third party to collect your mail, fill out the Authorization
form (available in Slovenian version only). Make it in two copies, fill in only the data of the person(s) you wish to authorize for such collection, the rest will be completed by the post office. You can delegate up to five people. A certified Authorization, authorizes your designated person to collect mail only by signature as one copy of the Authorization is kept by the Post and your postman is informed about it as well. For the ZUP (General Administrative Procedures) letters, your authorized person(s) will also have to fill out the statement required on the proof of delivery.
Non-certified Authorization
You can draw up a non-certified Authorization yourself.
It must contain the following data
First name, family name or title of the person granting authority
First name, family name and address of the delegated person
Type and number of the identity document of the person granting authority, for legal persons also the Registry Entry Number or Registration Number
Type and number of the delegated person’s ID
Purpose of the Authorization
Validity of the Authorization Signature of the person granting authority
Place and date of issue of the Authorization
Written Authorization together with the authorized person’s ID needs to be presented at every collection.
The person collecting the mail on the basis of a non-certified Authorization must always submit the Authorization Letter together with their ID. When signing the receipt of every single postal item, the authorized person’s first and family names and the ID type and number need to be written legibly and presented for identification purposes.
For a single collection, you can just fill out the pre-printed text on the back of the delivery notice. Such Authorization is valid only for the collection of the item stated on the advice.