Choose below a service that meets your needs.
Cash on Delivery (COD)
With COD service, we’ll collect payment for your shipment when it is delivered.
- Service Features
- When using COD service, the address side of your shipment must bear the heading "Odkupnina" (COD) and the indication of the COD amount. For international mail, the heading “Cash-on-Delivery”, is required and the shipment needs to be accompanied by a properly completed in-payment form. This service can be used together with Registered, Insured, Parcel or Hitra Pošta Express Mail shipments.
Return Receipt
With this service, the addressee's signature certifying the delivery of your shipment is obtained on an AR (Advice of Receipt) card, which is then returned to you as an ordinary letter.
- Service Features
- When posting your shipment, please put the AR indication to its address side. Fill in the AR card and submit it together with your shipment. This service can be used together with Registered, Insured, Parcel or Hitra Pošta Express Mail shipments.
Delivery to the Addressee in Person
With this service you can request your domestic shipments to be delivered to the addressee in person.
- Service Features
- The address side of your shipment must bear the indication "Vročiti osebno" (to be delivered to the addressee in person). This service can be used together with Registered and Insured letters.
Special Handling
This is a service for shipments that require additional care in transit and handling.
- Service Features
- Shipments using this service must be properly packed with sufficient cushioning to avoid damage during the normal mail handling.
- Shipments containing any live animals or dangerous substances exchanged between the competent institutions in the manner and under the conditions laid down by the law must be posted using this service.
- Shipment address side must bear the indication specifying the nature of its contents (e.g.: Fragile, To be protected against heat, Do not tumble, Glass), adding in Slovene the word "Občutljivo" and "Fragile" for international mail.
This service can be used together with Parcel or Hitra Pošta Express Mail shipments.
With this service, your mail shipments receive priority in handling and are conveyed by the quickest route.
- Service Features
- The words "PREDNOSTNO - Priority" must be added to the address side of your shipment.
Call 1 and Call 2 Services
With the Call 2 service, the first delivery attempt is made with the regular delivery. If it is unsuccessful and the shipment is not picked up by the addressee within the next two days, a call is made and the time of the second free home delivery attempt or the collection of the shipment from the postal outlet is agreed upon with the addressee.
- Service Features
- To apply for the service, the Dispatch Note must contain the addressee's phone number and any other comments if needed. These services can be used together with Business Parcel, Oversize Business Parcel and Pallet shipments.
Dangerous goods in restrictions (NBO)
With this service you can submit for transport a consignment containing dangerous goods in limited quantities (small packaging units) or new batteries (these are only permitted in domestic traffic), but only based on a prior written agreement on the sending of dangerous goods in ADR exemptions and the confirmation by the contractor
- Service Features
Select and mark on the waybill the relevant additional service Dangerous goods in restrictions (service code NBO, if sent abroad, such marking on the waybill is not required, so it is not included in the waybill printed from the application eWaybill.
The list of goods that can be accepted for transport after confirmation and goods that will not be accepted for transport, as well as the terms and conditions of acceptance, are detailed in the
List of Dangerous Goods in Limited Quantities and the
Instructions for the Transport of Dangerous Goods in exceptions to the ADR agreement.
The service can only be selected by contractual partners who have previously concluded a written agreement on the sending of dangerous goods in ADR exemptions.
You can select the service only when sending a business package, pallet and PG shipment in domestic traffic, and in international road transport you can choose the service provided that the country to which you send dangerous goods is listed in the
List of countries with services and conditions for accepting Connect packages.
address the shipment to a street address (it may not be addressed to an alternative delivery point, i.e. parcel locker, gas station, parcel delivery box).
Detailed instructions on the service and transport of dangerous goods can be found in the
Transport of Dangerous Goods-User's Manual.