We are a successful commercial company oriented towards development and innovation. Our area of operations covers two key service segments: a universal postal service ensured by the state in the public interest, and market services.

In cooperation with our affiliate companies we make up the Pošta Slovenije Group, an international business group. Through our logistics services we are becoming an increasingly recognised presence in the markets of South-eastern Europe. The Pošta Slovenije Group comprises 19 companies operating in nine markets. At the end of 2024 we had 5,502 employees in Pošta Slovenije and 7,678 in the Pošta Slovenije Group.

Due to the growth of online sales, technological developments and changing user habits, we are focusing increasingly on the development of outstanding state-of-the-art logistics and parcel operations. At the same time we are continuing to provide classic postal services alongside the implementation of the latest digital solutions. As a socially responsible company we are keeping pace with digital and green trends both in Slovenia and the region.

We continuously track the changing needs of users and are digitalising and automating our operating procedures. Our aim is to improve the user experience, enhance the quality of services and introduce new solutions for business users and recipients.

We make available to our users an extensive, easily accessible and flexible parcel network in Slovenia, which with 1,300 pick up and drop-off points throughout Slovenia, including post offices, automated parcel machines, parcel delivery boxes, petrol stations and automated units for receiving and shipping items, makes it the biggest in the country.

We also play a key part in establishing the highest quality standards for the postal network and in the universal postal, logistics and other services market. In terms of the quality of handling and carrying postal items we rank among the very best in Europe.



Pošta Slovenije d.o.o.
Slomškov trg 10
2500 Maribor

02 449 20 0 0

02 449 21 11




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