NamePošta Slovenije d. o. o.
Registered officeSlomškov trg 10, 2500 Maribor
FounderRepublic of Slovenia
Core businessProvision of universal postal service
Activity code53.100
Year established1994


Share capital€121,472,482
RegistrationMaribor District Court
Registry Entry No10940000
VAT numberSI25028022
Registration No5881447000
ManagementMarko Cegnar, General Manager
Marko Rems, Member of the Executive Management
Ivana Vrviščar, Member of the Executive Management 
Vlasta Vidrih, Member of the Executive Management - Workers' Director
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Urška Kežmah, PhD
Number of employees (31 December 2024)5,502
Account Nos 04515-0001110867, 02280-0016990351, 03121-1000930916


In addition to the parent company Pošta Slovenije d.o.o., the Pošta Slovenije Group includes the subsidiaries EPPS d.o.o., PS Moj paket d.o.o., PS Logistika d.o.o, IPPS d.o.o., Intereuropa d.d. and the associated company Športna loterija in igre na srečo d.d.


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